WhatXup Product Updates
Jennifer Lorari Oct 16, 2023
Introducing Newsletter Feature on WhatXup

Just A Quick One! All members can now accept and gather emails for newsletter from their customers, visitors and fans.

What is newsletter?

A newsletter is a printed or electronic report containing news concerning the activities of a business or an organization that is sent to its members, customers, employees or other subscribers. Newsletters generally contain one main topic of interest to its recipients.

A newsletter may be considered grey literature. Out of all the technologies that have helped the marketing industry, none have done so much more than email, which provided a platform that is fast, inexpensive, and has data gathering tools already included in the equation.

E-mail provides several ways to gather precious client data, the most powerful of which are email marketing surveys and polling. Surveys and polling are by no means new – even before the Internet existed, marketers were already using snail mail and the telephone to conduct polls and surveys. What email did is provide a means to bypass both snail mail and telephone, thereby removing two methods that many customers deem intrusive and annoying, while at the same time increasing the speed and efficiency of the data gathering activity.

What You Can Do With Data Gathered from a Newsletter There are a number of benefits that data gathered from a newsletter can bring.

These include:

1. The ability to get fast feedback on products and services

2. The opportunity to improve existing products and services based on customer feedback

3. Finding out which products are most popular and which aren’t.

4. Finding out what kind of products that customers want to see from you

5. Finding out if customers are using your product the way you intended or if they are using it in new novel ways. The benefits listed above are already a good argument for using newsletters to gather data, but they are just the tip of the iceberg. In this day and age, data about your customers and users are invaluable and nowhere can you get them in such frequencies and amounts as a newsletter.